It's almost exactly four years to the day since we bought Chateau Dumas and my love for the place is as strong now as ever. These past four years have been a roller-coaster - at times terrifying and at others exhilarating - as well as a journey of discovery about many things from managing money (still learning) to managing wildlife (almost expert, unless you count my teenagers). Now I'm able to look back over the events of the last few years and the weddings, parties, retreats and holidays we've been able to make just a little bit special and I feel a flush of pride and pleasure.
I paused briefly the other day to take stock and saw that the windows were peeling, badly needing a coat of paint. I thought, 'I'll do a quick count to size up the job'. I see now that was probably a mistake. When I got to 62 windows and 28 pairs of shutters I realised what a heck of a lot of painting that was! Onwards and upwards I thought, but then found I couldn't stop counting things and now I also know that there are 60 doors, 18 loos, 200 square metres of polished floors and a staggering 303 lightbulbs. Of course this being early summer my 100 plus sweet-smelling roses need pruning too. Now just how many rose petals would that be......?